2023 Triennial Crest

Report of the General Grand Treasurer

General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International

Report of the General Grand Tresurer
Submitted by Charles L. Hollinger, General Grand Treasurer

Charles L. Hollinger
General Grand Treasurer


Supplemental Documents
Budget vs. Actual August 2017-July 2018
Budget vs. Actual August 2018-July 2019
Budget vs. Actual August 2019-July 2020
Profit & Loss % of Total Income August 2017-July 2020

To the Officers and Companions of the General Grand Council, Cryptic Masons International:

It has been an honor to serve you and the craft this 47th Triennium for this third term in office. I again thank you for the opportunity you have afforded me to travel around the jurisdictions, which has further expanded acquaintances and allowed me to develop friendships with our Companions around the globe. The training I provided the constituents who attended the Regional Conferences, I believe addressed the needs and concerns identified previously, enabling me to have better met your expectations of this office and the General Grand Council.

Included in this report you will find copies of the Budget vs. Actuals for each fiscal year of this Triennium. Additionally, the three year Triennial expenditures vs. percent of total are included to provide a perspective of what it takes run operations of the General Grand Council Balance.

The Intuit on-line accounting system accommodates the budget management process, being fully accessible to all General Grand Officers requiring knowledge of transactions real time 24/7, to include complete up to date auditable accounting ledgers and historical data for pro forma projections. Quarterly reporting was maintained, disseminated, and remains on record, electronically. The Intuit QuickBooks software was again changed several times during this Triennium, which have improved its use and reporting. The ability to run a Budget vs. Actual report for the period of a Triennial remains unavailable.

Investments managed by Edward Jones have been regularly assessed and our due diligence has kept your monies working to maximize return with only the necessary cash available to handle day to day financial needs. The asset allocation of each account has was maintained and managed in order to leverage opportunities. The Corporate Foundation endowment, funded primarily by the Order of the Secret Vault, First, Responders Award and Lady of the Council was set aside until a $100K funding was reached before income could be taken. As of the end of this Triennium, July 31, 2020 the Corporate account balance had reached $192.9K – an increase of $55.1K over the three year starting balance of $137.8K August 2017. The $100K threshold sum was reached in 2016 of the previous triennium. This account was established to provide income as planned to offset per capita should funding be needed for operations. The Life Membership account balance ended with a balance of $179.6K after distribution this Triennium. The Operational/Administrative account concluded with a balance of $190.6K. Total return on these accounts for each FY20 account respectfully were: Corporate 5.09%, Operational 7.04% and Life 5.11%, though the three year Triennium figures were Corporate 8.89%, Operational 3.56% and Life (1.11)%

The single largest expenditure remains in the line item for travel, contributing to 26.38% of the 47th Triennium expenditures totaling $112.8K. It continues to be under-funded compared to the reality of additional out-of-pocket expenditure levels required to support travel, particularly to constituents outside continental United States (OCONUS). An amenable solution remains to be discussed with OCONUS member countries, as late per capita continues to contribute to budget short falls throughout the Triennial period.

Assistance of the General Grand Recorders, RP Brian Beckler and RP Stephen Balke throughout this 47th Triennium has ensured the teamwork necessary in the execution of this office of the General Grand Council. Their cooperation has kept the organization fully funded and properly invested for the future.

I appreciate the confidence you have entrusted in me to fulfill the duties of this office and the opportunity to contribute to international brotherhood of the General Grand Council the past nine years. Every effort has been made to meet the challenges of this office with order and decorum, applying my skills to ensure a sound financial future of our General Grand Council. The decision to lay down the keys of the treasury, not stand for re-election to the office of Grand Treasurer and retiring my position to another person who will faithfully have the passion and zeal as I have for the organization was announced through the Decryption communication tool. Thank you for allowing me to serve; the friendships developed and camaraderie fostered throughout these memorable years are cherished and will continue to flourish.

Fraternally and respectfully submitted,

Chas L. Hollinger
General Grand Treasurer 2011-2020