2023 Triennial Crest

Report of the General Grand Captain of the Guard

General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International

Report of the General Grand Captain of the Guard
Submitted by Russell Bridges, General Grand Captain of the Host

Russell Bridges
General Grand Captain of the Guard


Since being appointed General Grand Capt. of the Guard in Maggie Valley in July of 2018, I have traveled throughout the US and UK with many different orders in Masonry. While most were not Council related I never missed an opportunity to talk Cryptic Masonry when possible. I attended SC Grand York Rite sessions for 2019 and 2020. NC Grand York Rite session for 2019 (2020 was cancelled). In 2019, I attended the recognition of the NC Grand York RIte and NC Prince Hall Grand York Rite bodies representing MPGM David Grindle and brought congratulations to both bodies on this occasion. The GGC newsletter has met with success and many positive comments. I look forward to helping the next Gen. Grand Master during his triennial.

Fraternally submitted,

Russell Bridges
General Grand Captain of the Guard