Report of the Committee on Charters and Dispensations
Submitted by MPC David A. Grindle, Chairman
David A. Grindle, GGM
Chairman, Charters and Dispensations
To the General Grand Council Officers and Members:
We. the Committee on Charters and Dispensations, are pleased to report the following issuance of Dispensations and Charters:
- The following Subordinate Council were placed Under Dispensations issued and instituted:
- Fiat Lux Council #18—Mexico
- Giblin Council #10—Mexico
- Guametria Council #11—Mexico
- Hanif Council #17—Mexico
- Jedidiah Council #9—Mexico
- San Juan del Rio #21—Mexico
- Sepulcro de Monarcas Council #14—Mexico
- Xalapa Council #13—Mexico
- Bethlehem Council #19—Mexico
We move that these Councils continue under Dispensation until such time they meet all of the requirements to be chartered.
- The following Subordinate Councils have been Chartered:
- Cripta de Salamao #1–Brazil
- Vigilantes do Extremo Sul #4—Brazil
- Arca Sagrada #5–Brazil
- York #6—Brazil
- Alegrete #8—Brazil
- Felisberto Silva Rodrigues #9—Brazil
- Bud C. Himes #12—Brzil
- Santo Graal #14—Brazil
- Liberdade #15—Brazil
- Divina Aliança #19—Brazil
- Rocha #25—Brazil
- Horus #26—Brazil
- Piratininga #28—Brazil
- Marco Zero do Equador #30—Brazil
- União e Harmonia #31—Brazil
- Capixaba #32—Brazil
- Cavaleiros da Luz #33—Brazil
- Resistencia de Mossoro #36—Brazil
- Santuãrio da Allança #37—Brazil
- Vila Bela Santissima Trindade #38—Brazil
- Jarbas Tadeu de Freitas #41—Brazil
- Grão-Mestre Tomaz Luiz Naves #42—Brazil
- Exodus #43—Brazil
- Samuel Houston #45—Brazil
- Santuãrio da Fé #49—Brazil
- Prince Hall #50—Brazil
- Águia de Prata #51—Brazil
- Jundiahy #52—Brazil
- XVIII de Março #53—Brazil
- Lux Mundi #54—Brazil
- Porto Velho #55—Brazil
- Zohar #56—Brazil
- Upaon-Açu #57—Brazil
- Adoniram #59—Brazil
- Lux Centralis #60—Brazil
- Guardiões da Cripta #61—Brazil
- JG #62—Brazil
- Costa do Sol #64—Brazil
- GM Jair Tercio #66—Brazil
- Leonardo Sant’Anna #68—Brazil
- Thomas Smith Webb #69—Brazil
We move that these actions be adopted.
- The following Subordinate Councils, having met all of the requirements for chartering, were issued charters and constituted during this Triennium:
- Adam Kraft Council #18, Hanover, Germany
- Alfa y Omega Council #18, Xalapa, Veracruz, México
- Tangamanga Council #22, San Luis Potosi, México
- Rafael D’Arrigo Carranza Council #2—Peru
- Arequipa Council #3—Peru
- Pachacutec Council #4—Peru
- Ica Council #5—Peru
We move that these actions be adopted.
- The following Councils were rechartered for the reason noted:
- Arabia Council #9, Southwest Asia, Loyalty Change
We move that this action be adopted.
- (Amended) The following Constituent Council has met all the requirements to receive their Charter:
- Quito Council #1, Quito, Ecuador
We move that this Council be chartered and constituted at a late date. (Amendment Adopted)
- The following Grand Council was issued a Dispensation and was instituted during this Triennium:
- Grand Council of Peru
We move that this action be adopted.
- The following Grand Council is to remain Under Dispensation issued:
- Grand Council of Germany
We move that this action be adopted.
- The following Grand Councils have submitted their Annual Returns, paid their per capita, and have submitted their Constitutions and Bylaws for approval which has been completed:
- Grand Council of Central America
- Grand Council of Paraguay
- Grand Council of Peru
- Grand Council of the United States of Mexico
- Grand Council of Venezuela
We move that these Grand Councils be chartered and constituted at a future date.
We move that this report in its entirety be adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
David A. Grindle, Chairman
Monty J. Glover
Stephen A. Balke
Committee Members:
David A. Grindle, GGM
Chairman, Charters and Dispensations
Monty J. Glover, DGGM
Stephen A. Balke, GGR