Triennial Agenda
- Preliminary Credentials Report (1800 UTC)
- Determine Quorum
- Open 47th Triennial Assembly (1810 UTC)
- Prayer
- Universal Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call of the General Grand Officers
- Welcome
- Housekeeping (1825 UTC)
- Approve 46th Triennial Proceedings
- Approve Pre-submitted Reports and (except Allocution, Charters & Dispensations Report, Jurisprudence Report, 48th Triennium Budget)
- Allocution (1835 UTC)
- Memorial Service (1855 UTC)
- Report of the Charters & Dispensations Committee (1915 UTC)
- Report of the Jurisprudence Committee (1950 UTC)
- Report of the Finance & Accounts Committee (2020-23 Budget) (2020 UTC)
- Credentials Report (2045 UTC)
- Election (2050 UTC)
- Recess General Grand Council (2115 UTC)
- CMMRF Corporate Membership Meeting (2120 UTC))
- Reconvene General Grand Council (2245 UTC)
- Further Business
- New Business
- Awards
- Remarks of Guests
- Closing Prayer
- Close 47th Triennial (2315 UTC)
- Install the 48th Triennium Officers (2330 UTC)
- GGM Remarks