Resolution 48-01: Before Text
Article X, as it reads:
This Constitution may be amended in the following manner at a Triennial Assembly by three- fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the General Grand Council specified in ARTICLE 3, that are present and voting:
By a General Revision – By a general revision of the Constitution/Bylaws when ordered by the General Grand Council, Cryptic Masons, International. Such revision shall be made by Special Committee appointed by the General Grand Master. This Committee shall submit its report upon completion to the Jurisprudence Committee at least six (6) months prior to the General Grand Council Triennial Assembly. Jurisprudence shall report thereon at the Triennial Assembly.
- By an Amendment to Specified Articles or Subdivisions of the Constitution/Bylaws – By an amendment proposed in writing, submitted in triplicate, and signed by three (3) members of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International.
- Such proposed amendments shall be forwarded to the General Grand Recorder at least six (6) months prior to the Triennial Assembly of the General Grand Council.
- The General Grand Recorder shall provide to Jurisprudence Committee and each of the General Grand Officers, Past Grand Masters, Grand Recorders and Grand Masters of each Constituent Grand Council, and Recorder and Illustrious Master of each Subordinate Council a copy of all proposed amendments which were filed withhim, five (5) months prior to the date of the next Triennial Assembly of this General Grand Council
- The Jurisprudence Committee shall carefully review all such proposed amendments to the constitution and report thereon to the General Grand Council at its next Triennial Assembly. Unless, otherwise provided by the General Grand Council, all adopted amendments shall take effect immediately upon the completion of the session.
- Format for Proposed Amendments
- Proposed amendments must be in writing, submitted in triplicate, and signed by three (3) members of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International.
- Proposed legislation will start with a heading that cited the Title of the Section of the Constitution proposed for change, and the Triennial year it is to be considered.
- The legislation will then list the “Now Reads” portion of the proposal with the entire Section as is currently written in the Code.
- Legislation will then present the “Proposed to Read” portion in the following manner.
- The “Proposed to Read” will again list the entire Section under consideration.
- If there will be no changes to a paragraph or subdivision the text of that paragraph or subdivision will NOT be written out as in the “Now Reads” portion. Instead, the number of the paragraph or subdivision will be listed and the notation, “No change to this paragraph” or “No change to this subdivision” will be made.
- If a change within a paragraph or subdivision deletes any text the existing text with strikethrough. [example]
- If a change within a paragraph or subdivision adds text to the existing text, indicate said change by underlining the new text. [new example]
- The strikethrough and underlining will not appear in the revised Constitution if the legislation passes. These formats are utilized only to facilitate understanding of the proposed change to the Section of the Constitution.
- Those proposing amendments then would provide a “Rational” portion to the proposal explaining the reasons for the proposed change.
- Te proposing amendments then would provide a “Rational” portion to the proposal explaining the reasons for the proposed change.